Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Whole 30|Cracklin'|Day 2

I just think this cauliflower is really pretty!

So Day 2 was definitely better.  I woke up feeling a little bit "headachy", but not too bad.  It never really turned into a full-blown headache.  I planned a little better for the day and was so thankful that we got some grocery shopping done.  I picked up some really great items that were Whole30 compliant and that totally made me happy.

Meal 1: Two hard-boiled eggs and Trader Joe's Prosciutto - eaten at my desk at work.
**Okay. I love prosciutto, but I usually have it with cracker and cheese or wrapped around dates or asparagus.  I DID NOT like it by itself like this.  It really globbed up in my mouth and... *blech* 
Meal 2: Skillet Pork Chops with a small microwaved sweet potato. Also had an apple with about two tablespoons of TJ's almond butter.  SO GOOD!!
Meal 3: NomNomPaleo inspired Cracklin' Chicken, green beans, cauliflower mash and fresh avocado.
Taryn had a swim meet that I went to right after work.  As soon as she was done, I got out of there and headed home because I knew that this was what I was cooking for dinner.  You can click on the name above and it will link you to the recipe - but let me just tell you - it was a huge hit with everybody!!  I mean, who doesn't like CRACKLIN'???  If you don't - please don't even tell me.  I couldn't bear the thought!  
I used GHEE in my cooking for the first time.  I will be plunking down all sorts of cash for this from now on.  I guess I can make it myself, but why? It's basically clarified butter - and I love me some butter.  Is that clarified clear?  

I didn't get to bed as early as I wanted to - I had to get an order out for my Etsy shop. However, I didn't feel too bad when I woke up today (day 3) I have a goal to get to the gym tonight and get to bed early! Possible?  I don't know.  
I also told Hannah I needed to weigh and measure myself just to have something for comparison at the end.  Other than that, there will be no waying in until day 31!

What are you doing to make healthier choices?  This is super tough for me. Share what's toughest for you!


  1. I don't know how you do it! I don't have nearly the will power that you do. Keep it up !

  2. Thank you Esther! Definitely not easy!

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