Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ghee! It Really Is Terrific!

Ghee.  Many of you have been messaging me and asking me about GHEE, so I thought that I should share a quick post about it.  Before doing Whole 30, I had not ever heard of the product either.  I started seeing posts about it and noticed that certain recipes called for it.

So what is it?

One easy description is : Clarified Butter or as I call it: LIQUID GOLD

Dictionary dot com says: A kind of liquid butter, used especially in the cooking of India, made from the milk of cows or buffaloes and clarified by boiling.

Since dairy is not considered acceptable for paleo eating, I am glad that ghee can offer that great goodness and flavor of butter without the dairy.

Ghee has a high smoke point (482*F) so it is ideal for frying and cooking.  It's rich in vitamins, source of healthy fat, and just tastes like the best butter you ever had.

You can find ghee at most health/organic food stores.  I buy mine at Trader Joe's, but I've also purchased it at a local Indian Market, and also at Wal Mart in the International Foods aisle.  Ghee can be pretty pricey.  I believe the 8 oz jar at Trader Joe's is about $3.50.  That 8 oz jar does not last long in my house!

Another way to get ghee is to just make it yourself! It's more cost effective and you can make sure that you are starting with a good quality butter for optimal results in your ghee.  I love Kerrygold butter.  Made from the milk of grass-fed cows - it is so creamy and tasty.  Like cheese I tell ya!

I use the crockpot method since I think it's the easiest way to do it.

You need:
3 or 4 -  8 oz packages of grass fed butter
Jar with lid

You can follow the directions and pictures here at Grass Fed Girl.  She has taken pictures of the process and it's really simple to follow.

But basically you put your butter in the crockpot on low, uncovered, for about 3 hours.  Different types of crockpots may make a difference in cook time, but you should be able to tell by the color when it is really done.

You put your cheese cloth in the jar and pour your melted butter right in.  I put a rubber band around the mouth of the jar over the cheesecloth just to hold it in place.  The cheesecloth should catch all the solids.

That's it! Keep the lid on your jar and use as needed.  Does not need to be refrigerated.  I keep mine right on the counter next to my coconut oil, salts and most used spices.

Here's mine right after I poured it n the jar:

I use it to cook eggs, vegetables, meat and more.  I add it to veggies that have been steamed as an added flavor or healthy fat.  I also like to make mashed cauliflower with it.  

Have you or do you use ghee?  What's your favorite way to use it?

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I couldn't find ghee at the grocery store and now I can make my own. I am so excited :-)


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